All courses available in sCaddie Golf GPS have been made with extreme precission an dedication, including Pitch & Putt's layouts. We are working hard to expand and enhance this list. Check it regularly for updates!

United StatesMissouriKansas CityTeetering Rocks Links183
United StatesWest VirginiaCharles TownLocust Hill Golf Course183
United StatesOhioPickeringtonTurnberry Golf Course183
United StatesWisconsinMineral PointDodge Point Golf Course183
United StatesMissouriSmithvilleParadise Pointe Golf Complex362
United StatesUtahMurrayFore Lakes Golf Course183
United StatesGeorgiaRockmartProspect Valley Golf Course92
United StatesCaliforniaCerritosCerritos Iron-Wood Nine92
United StatesTennesseeHixsonValleybrook Golf & Country Club183
United StatesVirginiaDumfriesMontclair Country Club183
United StatesTexasCueroCuero Park Municipal Golf Course92
United StatesCaliforniaLos AngelesWilshire Country Club183
United StatesMassachusettsTauntonJohn F. Parker Golf Course92
United StatesNew JerseyLong ValleyBlack Oak Golf Club181
United StatesPennsylvaniaButlerSuncrest Golf Course183

* The cartography field indicates how good is the satellite image. These data is taken from the Google Maps database and we can't enhance it by ourselves.

  • 1 Star = Bad. The course might be in construction or not built at all. Flags have been positioned by GPS coordinates.
  • 2 Stars = Good. The course looks good.
  • 3 Stars = Excellent. The course images have great detail.

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