All courses available in sCaddie Golf GPS have been made with extreme precission an dedication, including Pitch & Putt's layouts. We are working hard to expand and enhance this list. Check it regularly for updates!

GermanySachsen-AnhaltMeisdorfGolfclub Schloss Meisdorf183
GermanySalzburgAinringGolf Club Berchtesgadener Land182
GermanyBayernIndersdorfGolfpark Gut Häusern183
GermanyNorth Rhine-WestphaliaOberhausenRed Golf Oberhausen92
GermanyHeidenRekenGolfclub Uhlenberg Reken182
GermanyFrankfurtBensheimGolfclub Bensheim182
GermanyKasselKasselGolfclub Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe183
GermanyHessenBornheimRömerhof Golf273
GermanyUnterfrankenMünnerstadtGolfclub Maria Bildhausen272
GermanyNorth Rhine-WestphaliaLippetalGolfclub Stahlberg182
GermanyOberbayernRiederingGolfanlage Patting-Hochriesblick92
GermanyNorth Rhine-WestphaliaEschweilerGolfclub Haus Kambach183
GermanyNorth Rhine-WestphaliaDüsseldorfGelsenkirchener Golf Club Haus Leythe182
GermanyNorth Rhine-WestphaliaWerlGolf Club Werl92

* The cartography field indicates how good is the satellite image. These data is taken from the Google Maps database and we can't enhance it by ourselves.

  • 1 Star = Bad. The course might be in construction or not built at all. Flags have been positioned by GPS coordinates.
  • 2 Stars = Good. The course looks good.
  • 3 Stars = Excellent. The course images have great detail.

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